Billinge Wasp Nest Removal And Billinge Pest Control Have Been Dealing With Wasp Nests In The Billinge Wasp Area For Nearly 20 Years Plus. Based in Chorley, We Also Deal With Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Squirrels, Moles And Many Other Pests. We Have A Wealth Of Experience With Regard To The Wasp Life Cycle, Wasp Behaviour And The Problems Created By A Wasp Nest. Billinge Wasps Nest Removal Can Be Quite Difficult And Dangerous To Destroy. They Are Best Left For A Professional To Deal With. Billinge Wasps Will Defend The Nest Quite Vigorously If They Perceive Any Threat To It. Wasps Will Sting Anyone Or Thing (Including Pets) To Safeguard The Safety Of The Wasp Nest.
Billinge Wasp Nest Removal Can Also Aid With Tree BumbleBee Removal. Tree BumbleBees Are An Aggressive Bee And Will Sting If The Nest Is Threatened. The Cost For Tree BumbleBee Removal Is £60.00.
We Strive To Leave Our Native Bumblebees "In Situ" As They Are Quite Docile And Rarely Sting. If They Need To Be Moved For Any Reason, We Can Help, Although They Can Be Difficult To Relocate.
Honey Bee Removal Prices Are Quoted "As And When", Dependent On Where The Honey Bees Are Located On The Property. There Are No "One Price Fits All" Scenarios, So Prices Will Vary.
The Feral Honey Bees Code Of Best Practice Can Be Downloaded Here Or You Can View It Here.
Please Read It Thoroughly And Be Advised That We Adhere Strictly To The Code.
First of all, we inject the nest with a small amount of insecticide. If we cannot get to the nest IE: it is in a cavity wall we inject the area around where the wasps are entering and leaving the nest.
Consequently, the wasps cannot now feed the nest without going to "wasp heaven". One of the wasps will carry the insecticide into the heart of the nest.
The nest must stay in place for at least 24 hrs because wasps out foraging need to return to the nest. When the wasps return, if they can’t find a nest they will just fly around trying to find it, causing you even more problems.
If the nest has to be removed we recommend you wait for a couple of weeks for the wasp nest to die completely, before you remove it.
On occasion, newly hatched and dying wasps appear in rooms adjacent to the nest. There is nothing we can do to help if this happens.
Before calling us back to report the nest is still alive please check that there are wasps flying in and out of the entrance hole. If wasps are flying in and out we will come back and re-treat free of charge but if no wasps are flying then the nest is considered to have died
My name is Paul and together with my wife Karen, we run Your Pest Control. As you can see we operate a family run business.
We are all CRB/DBS checked.
If you are elderly, vulnerable or a woman living on her own, you can be assured we are the people you are looking for to deal with your wasp nest problem.
When you call any of our pest control numbers, you will be talking to one of the owners, not somebody working in a call centre.
If you hire our company, you can expect the following:
Friendly, knowledgeable technicians who are respectful of your home and family.
Fully licensed and insured staff.
All our work is fully insured, guaranteed, and is carried out in a professional and timely manner.
We offer emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The cost of wasp nest removal is £40.00, even at the weekend or later at night. The only exception to this is if the nest is in an inaccessible location.
We may need to use more specialist equipment to access the nest.
We guarantee to beat the price of Billinge Borough Council pest control.
Some of the bigger company's charge over £300.00 for doing essentially the same work. Some charge less than us but not by much.
We all do the same job basically (inject the nest with insecticide). You are getting the services of a national organization but think about customer service after the event, if you need to call them back.
Lets say a company wants to charge you £300 + V.A.T. at 20%. Your final bill is £360.Thats £60 in V.A.T (phew). We only charge £40.00 for the complete job.
By far the best option would be to engage a local company with a fixed price. You will invariably get a better service.
Charges normally range from £40.00 to £50.00. The only time costs could rise is if the nest is inaccessible and specialist equipment is needed.
Wasps nests can be found anywhere from the ground to the top of a chimney.
In the ground they usually take over a disused mouse hole, expanding the hole as the nest grows. Wasp nests often under or in a garden shed, under decking or similar. Wasp nests can also be found in bushes and often in trees with dense foliage.
But by far they are found on the main building. When looking for a wasp nest on your property, look for a constant stream of wasps going to and from a certain point. Have a look at air bricks, kitchen and bathroom vents, and look at the area around the eaves of the house. You may see them in the valleys of the roof or around lead flashing.
Put the light on the loft and wait 10 minutes. Are wasps now buzzing around the light? If they are it is possible you have a wasp nest in the loft.
If you have a wasp nest on your property, be sure to keep away from it as vibrations can excite the wasps and cause them to attack
Queen wasps awaken from hibernation about the middle of April. They then set about the task of finding a suitable site to build their nests.
She can choose any location from a hole in the ground to under the ridge tile of a building and anywhere in between.
Wasps collect dead wood which they mix with wasp saliva to form a type of paper mache. From this, they construct their nest, a small "ping-pong ball" "golf ball" looking nest. In here she will build cells and lay about a dozen eggs.
When the eggs hatch the Queen will feed the grubs dead insects and tend to them. The length of time it takes for a wasp to develop is dependant on the amount of food the Queen wasp is able to find. The grubs will then undertake metamorphosis into the wasps we know. The eggs take about two weeks to develop into the adult wasps we are all familiar with.
When the workers emerge they take over the expansion of the nest and the feeding of the young leaving the Queen to her only task of laying eggs.
As more workers hatch the nest can quickly grow, doubling in size in a week. As a result, this can bring problems to you the householder. The one problem wasps have is they are not very good at choosing nest sites. Often they will choose a site to small for a fully developed nest. If you have a wasp nest on your property you may hear a ticking or crackling sound coming from the nest, this is the wasps’ mandibles clicking together as they try to expand their nest. They will be chewing away at the plasterboard usually in a bedroom. I have also seen wasps flying away from the nest with little polystyrene balls which is your cavity wall insulation.
A worker wasp has a proboscis to drink liquid with and they get the liquid they need from wasp larvae. The worker will go out and catch all manner of insects which they take back to the nest to feed the larvae. In return, the larvae exude a sweet sugary liquid called chitin which the wasps now drink. This gives them a sugar hit encouraging them to go and get more insects. As the weeks go by the nest gets bigger and bigger.
They become more noticeable in July as more and more workers hatch. If you have a wasp nest you will be able to see a constant stream of wasps going to and from the nest.
In the event that you find a wasp nest on your property DO NOT approach the nest. Dealing with a wasp nest can be very dangerous! Wasp’s will attack in numbers if they believe there is a threat to the nest nearby. The Queen wasp determines the aggressiveness of a wasp nest. If the nest is very aggressive as you approach the nest returning wasps will fly towards you instead of going in the nest. A wasp sting is very painful and could lead to Anaphylactic Shock and in rare cases death.
In the meantime, the nest continues to grow through July and August and at its height can contain 10,000+ wasps. Eventually, in mid-September around 2000 new Queens hatch out along with drones. These new Queens now finally leave the nest never to return and prepare for hibernation. The wasp colony structure begins to break down about this time and wasps start to crave their sugar hit. This is because the queen has stopped laying eggs and there are no young to feed. Now wasps start to feed on fermenting fruit ( becoming drunk? ) and start to become a nuisance. They want your sweet sugary drink etc. In October the nest will die off naturally.
We also offer an EMERGENCY CALL OUT SERVICE at a cost of 150 pounds. Although this may seem expensive you should only use this service if you really need it ie: Wasps have made a hole in the bedroom ceiling and are infesting the room and you need the problem fixing as soon as possible. This service requires paying for in advance and you must phone 07941 895 288 to book the treatment. We will make your problem a high priority and will endeavour to get to your premises within one hour.